Skull and Bones Revelry 2020

This year marked the second annual Skull and Bones Revelry march in Caledon, my home nation in Second Life. Last year, we kicked it off as part of the 200th anniversary of the Skull and Bones gang in the Tremé section of New Orleans. Each year, the group hits the streets before dawn on Mardi Gras morning, rousing everyone in the neighborhood to come join the revelry. They dress in costumes of skulls and skeletons--it is said to honor the ancestors. If the group knocks on your door, inviting you to come join in and you refuse, tradition says that you're dishonoring the ancestors and you'll have bad luck for the year (until next year's Mardi Gras celebration).

In Caledon's festivities, we meet at the center of Victoria City, march around the outer circle, making as much noise as possible. Once we march 'round the capital city, we head to the cemetery in the Moors, one sim to the west. The Moors Cemetery is one of the older memorials in Caledon, featuring stones with names of those lost in the early years right after the nation's founding. Once we arrive there, everyone raises a glass in a toast to our fallen friends and family, thanking them for being a part of our lives and inviting them to join in the later Mardi Gras festivities.

This year's toast:

Thank you, friends, for joining us today. We march this morning to wake our neighbors--those still with us and those who are not--before this evening's revelries. And now, here, we come together to honor our friends who are with us in spirit. 

Marchers, if you haven't already, please choose your preferred beverage from the "bar bot" and raise your glasses in memory of those who this virtual plot of territory memorializes--as well as others who may not be named amongst these stones. 

This year has already been an especially difficult one--we've had to say goodbye to friends and family members due to illness, accident, and tragically, some by their own hand. 

But today is a day for remembering the gift they gave us--their friendship and the laughter, warmth, camaraderie, and compassion that came with it.

Friends who now smile at us from the other side of the veil, we come to toast you and your memory.

Thank you for being a part of our virtual community
from miles away but seemingly so close--
thank you for being there,
for bringing out the best in us
even though it might have been through the worst of trials.

It is said that people are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in; their true beauty is revealed only if there light is from within. Though we may have known you only as pixels, thank you for allowing us to share in the warmth of your light.

We invite you to join with us in tonight's festivities.  March and laugh, dance and (maybe even) crash with us! And know that though your song is ended, your melody lingers on in our hearts and memories. We welcome you and thank you for being a part of our lives!

And now we say "Salut!"


It's never a large group involved but still, special. After the toast, we stand around and reminisce, sharing stories and memories of those no longer with us. This year was especially poignant for me, having lost an online friend to suicide only three days before losing my mother--less than a month ago. It would have been easy to let the tradition fall away but I felt I needed it--and if I needed it, others might too.

We wrapped up, giving each other virtual hugs all around, looking forward to the longer parade later in the day.

Skull and Bones Queen

Skull and Bones Queen 2

Skull and Bones Cemetery Toast 2020 2

Skull and Bones Cemetery Toast 2020 1


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