Caledon Anniversary 2020

February 26th marked the 14th anniversary of the Victorian Steampunk nation, Caledon--my home in Second Life. Caledon's tongue-in-cheek guardians (and unofficial neko harem to Caledon's Guv'nah), the Caledon Catgirl Brigade shares the birthday, having been debuted on Caledon's second anniversary.

Every year, there are a variety of events. This year, the anniversary week kicked off with Mardi Gras festivities on Saturday, February 22nd, followed by the CAT (Caledon Air Transit) anniversary gala on Sunday, February 23rd.

The Crystal Rose held its Mardi Gras party on Tuesday, February 25th at the dark steampunk-themed club in Caledon Kittiwickshire.

Finally, the official date (Wednesday evening) featured the traditional National Anniversary Ball with the Caledon Catgirl Brigade wrapping up the evening.

Nyree Rain continued her tradition of hosting the Caledon Anniversary Ball in the Dragon Ballroom over Caledon On Sea. Roses played a key theme in the decor, along with festoons of the Caledon official colors.

Unfortunately, I ran a bit late--Linden Lab chose that precise moment to log me out and hold my account for "minor maintenance." Thankfully, the system let me back in shortly after the complication presented itself.

After a few moments, I managed to make sure I was secure on the grid, I dusted my gown off and straightened my hair, getting ready to make my entrance at the Ball...

This was the first year since receiving it that I didn't don my Miss Caledon crown. I did wear the tag, however (it's the one time of year I use it!) Sure enough, it spurred reminiscing and tales of Relay for Life activities of the past, before Caledon's team joined the Aether Chrononauts Tiny Steps (ACTS) RFL team. Fun memories!

Ready for the Ball

Ready for the Ball 2

Once everything rezzed, the level of posh was evident! Caledonians pull out their best finery every year for the anniversary. This year was no different. And celebrants could revel in the colors of the Caledon tartan--which was everywhere, in the decor and the formalwear.

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

The centerpiece of the ballroom featured a large Caledon rose, floating over a geared fourteen-year seal of Caledon. Guv'nah Shang sends out the seals every year to commemorate the anniversary--visitors to Caledon will often see them proudly displayed by residents on the exteriors of their homes. If you see a first or second-year seal exhibited, you know the owner has been a part of Caledon from almost the very beginning!

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

The Dragon Ballroom's dance balls have been disguised as golden dragons, which watch the dancers from every wall--these guardians are what gave the ballroom its name.

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

At last, Guv'nah Desmond Shang arrived, along with estate manager, Mari Moonbeam--fashionably late but ready for the celebration!

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

Caledon Anniversary Ball 2020

Just before 9:30, I excused myself to prep for the Caledon Catgirl Birthday Bash, which traditionally picks up as the Anniversary Ball shuts down for the evening. The catgirls then party the remainder of the evening away, finishing up with celebratory fireworks at midnight. Because the Robokitty (our main airbase) is in a homestead, for the second year in a row, I chose to host the birthday event in our underground lair under the streets of Victoria City (to get around the problems caused by a 20 avi limit).

Not a Catgirl Dungeon

Finding the lair is a bit tricky--party-goers must locate one of the two secret entrances. For those needing a breadcrumb trail, I provided directions for how to find the trap door in the Guv'nah's Mansion beforehand. (We didn't want a repeat of last year's lost party-goers!)

Needless to say, it took a bit for the crowd to break up from the Anniversary Ball, slip into something feline and slinky, and make their way through the tunnels under Victoria City to the Caledon Catgirl lair. I took advantage of the wait--photo time!

Catgirl Ready 3

Good Kitty

Catgirl ready 2

Catgirl ready

Finally, the crowd began to arrive! The dance poles quickly filled up, though not many guests were brave enough to use the spinning trapeze hoops overhead. Though the venue is a much more intimate one than most ballrooms around Caledon (it's certainly smaller than the massive interior of the Robokitty), attendees didn't seem to mind. 😄

Caledon Catgirl Brigade Birthday Bash 2020

Trilby Minotaur came to my rescue after the stream I chose for the evening choked. I can't thank her enough! (She's the one on the right in the pic below. 💖)

Caledon Catgirl Brigade Birthday Bash 2020

Caledon Catgirl Brigade Birthday Bash 2020

Caledon Catgirl Brigade Birthday Bash 2020

Caledon Catgirl Brigade Birthday Bash 2020

Caledon Catgirl Brigade Birthday Bash 2020

Caledon Catgirl Brigade Birthday Bash 2020

Wondering how people know they're in the right place? Simple--even if they didn't see the dots on the minimap, we have a replica of the Robokitty's head on the front of the lair!

Caledon Catgirl Brigade Birthday Bash 2020

Caledon Catgirl Brigade Birthday Bash 2020

Caledon Catgirl Brigade Birthday Bash 2020

Caledon Catgirl Brigade Birthday Bash 2020

Unfortunately, because I was at the controls of the fireworks, I didn't get any pics of them. If anyone sends some to me, I'll add them here!

On a personal note--those who know the stress I've been under of late (my mother's ill health and passing) have asked me why I've been so involved in festivities this year and recommended that I take a break and relax. My answer usually is that being busy helps me not concentrate on the stress and sadness.

But it's more than that.

Caledon and her people have been a huge part of my life for over 12 years now. Many residents aren't just friends but are like my extended family--possibly closer than my extended family. Sure--there's drama and fighting, but also laughter and caring and broad virtual shoulders (useful when a good cry is needed). And while not all of my Caledon stories have ended with a happily ever after, the people of Caledon and their creations played a crucial role in me finishing my education and earning my Ph.D. (I used Oxbridge as part of my study to develop a best practices model for learning in virtual worlds)--the study then played a role in launching my career. Caledon mythology and lore are interlaced in the novel series I'm developing (which focuses on the inhabitants of the isles of Caledon Speirling). And Guv'nah Shang will forever be known as my "Green Fairy God-Father" (he knows what I mean). 😜

I don't know where I'd be without Caledon. My life would be a lot less blessed and blissed, I'm sure!

So, a very happy 14th birthday to Caledon, her Guv'nah, residents, and friends--and here's to the catgirls who've provided the purrs and rawrs for 12 years!


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